True Servant Leadership- know thy place (part 2)
Part of knowing one’s place is understanding who one’s immediate superior is. “Who do I answer to? With whom do I report?” And while some may find it easy to list the hierarchy of leadership within an organization, others may see it as quite complicated. After all, those who have risen to the top of any given system may now find themselves all alone in life’s “pecking order.”
Some Leaders Find Themselves Standing Alone
In the Biblical creation account of Genesis 2, Adam could be considered the lone leader. He seemingly answers to no one but himself, having the “final say” in the decisions that he executes. However, closer observation of the text shows that while presumably alone, Adam does have an immediate superior. Adam is under the authority of God. “The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” (Genesis 2:15)
God Stands Above Humans In the Power Hierarchy
Having the belief system that God is one’s ultimate superior is a healthy approach to leadership. It allows servant leaders to see their calling as beyond themselves. It challenges them to consider Biblical morals and values when making decisions. It humbles those who would forget their place within a system and become tyrants or dictators with no tether to keep them connected to reality. Finally, submitting to God pushes leaders to be their best, regardless of whether or not one is being observed and critiqued. Perhaps these reasons and others are why Biblical scripture reminds readers that, “Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men.” (Colossians 3:23)
The Place Where Leadership Begins
Leadership begins with submission to authority. To live without authority is to become one’s own god and ultimately a god toothers. Therefore, great leaders must learn to submit to an ultimate governing force. They must realize that their ruling superior is God, the one by which all must answer and give account. Submission to him is right and brings with it a level of quality that only he could require and accomplish.
Questions Worth Considering-
Who leads you?
Have you considered God as your ultimate authority? Why or why not?
What would it change if you saw God above you?